Sunday 31 August 2014

Six Ways To Strengthen Your Story Pitch

Reporters and bloggers are inundated with news tips and story ideas every day. How can you make your news stand out to cut through the noise? 

Follow these six rules for better pitching to make reporters pay attention and generate more media hits.

Do Your Research

A successful pitch starts with sending your news to the right reporter. Go to the publication’s website, check to see who writes about your industry and read their articles. If you don’t determine the right contact, your pitch will end up in the trash folder.

Create a News Angle

Journalists have to deliver value, which means you do too. Reporters often won’t pick up product or corporate announcements, so explain the value your story provides.

  • How will it affect readers’ lives?
  • Why should they care?
  • What is the compelling angle that makes your announcement real news?
Get to the Point

Journalists don’t have time to read through a long, wordy pitch. Don’t waste words “setting up” your news — get to the point and cut the fluff. Deliver your news in as few words as possible while still communicating your key messages.

Pay Attention to Detail

Never underestimate the power of proofreading. Make sure names are spelled correctly, facts are checked and grammar and punctuation are on point. Even small slipups will cause your story to lose credibility.

Leave Them Wanting More

A well-written pitch will prompt a journalist to follow up with you for more information. While you should clearly communicate the important points of your news upfront, leave room in your pitch for a follow-up conversation.

Build a Relationship

The constant nature of online news presents a unique opportunity to build a relationship with journalists. Identify key industry publications and/or journalists, and comment and share relevant articles that they publish. When you add value to the conversation, journalists will begin to recognize you, and could eventually seek you out as a source when they’re on their next deadline.

Stick to the tactics above to establish your brand as a credible source of information and forge relationships with journalists in your field. It’s a sure way to get your news in front of the people who matter most: your prospects and customers.

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